

1997 y.
Price From
750,888 AED

Other Developers

Over the years, Emaar has built a number ofresidential, commercial and hospitality projects.Despite its international presence, the main location ofactivity is still the United Arab Emirates, morespecifically Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Emaar Properties islisted on the Dubai Financial Market as a Public JointStock Company. The company has its headquarters inDubai.

About the company

Emaar Properties was founded by Mohamed Alabbar.The former chairman was widely involved in tourismand construction before founding the company. Hewas a director of Al Khaleej Investments in Singaporeand even an economic adviser to the Ruler of Dubai,His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid AlMaktoum. His indispensable experience has enabledthe company to go international and succeed in itsbiggest projects, such as the Burj Khalifa. MohamedAlabbar is currently the Managing Director of thecompany as of 2021. The board now consists of JamalBin Theniyah as Chairman and Ahmed Jawa as ViceChairman. The CEO of the company is Amit Jain.

In 2004 the company went international byestablishing Emaar International LLC. As of now EmaarProperties has over 60 subsidiaries and is operating inmore than 36 different markets in North America,Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Thecompany has projects on different stages in suchcountries as Turkey, Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia,Morocco, Syria, Pakistan and the United States. Someof the well-known projects include Jeddah Gate inSaudi Arabia, Beit Misk in Lebanon, Tuscan Valley inTurkey and Samarah Dead Sea Resort in Jordan. In2015 Emaar Properties expanded its developments toBahrain and Nigeria.

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